Monday, December 19, 2005

I feel like I am 15 again

What the?!! I really don't know where to begin with this. I mean, I think my head is going to explode. I mean, "He also pledged to recognize provincial autonomy 'as well as the special cultural and institutional responsibilities of the Quebec government.'" ?!

Everyone, typically, is focused on all the inside baseball stuff of "he's doing this to get the support of Ontario by looking like a viable national leader." Sure, fine, whatever - but what about the substance?!

Let's go to the instant replay to see if I've got this right: 1) The Liberals form the government forever. 2) Brian Mulroney promises to bring Quebec into the constitution, promises to recognize the "distinct" nature of Quebec society. 3) Conservatives under Mulroney get elected. 4) Meech Lake accord is reached. 5) ROC goes nutsoid. 6) Meech fails. 7) The Reform Party gets created (okay, a few years earlier, but whatever). 8) The Tories lose a million seats. 9) Reform wins all those seats out West. 10) Liberals form the government forever. 11) Reform decides to get together with the old Tories to beat the Liberals. 12) Stephen Harper promises to bring Quebec into the constitution, promises to recognize the "special" cultural and institutional responsibilities of the Quebec government.

Now, many people may wish to question Harper's honesty and motives for putting forth this plan. And those are questions that should be asked. But let's get one thing straight. Looking at the substance of what he said today (and I am sure there are weasel words in there to get him out of any real promise), if Stephen Harper intends to follow through on the substance of what he said today, he is promising Meech II.

As I said, the head, she spins.

The Prime Minister's response was, apparently, "We are one country and we speak with one voice . . . not two and not 10". The most immediate question is when Jean Lapierre will quit the party. If not, one might have to suggest to him, as his people once did to Mr. Chretien on the convention floor in Calgary, that he is "Vendu!"

I wanted to make this more coherent, but I am just so excitable when it comes to this stuff. Yes, I was only 15 at the time, but those were the glory days of my political junky-ism.

That is all.


Anonymous said...

I believe it's pronounced "nutzoid."
Also, your link is broke. Too many http//s, I think.

Anonymous said...

Meech died because of Elijah Harper. Everything else is revisionist history.

Anonymous said...

As of right now, Andy Mitchell has the lead in Parry Sound/Muskoka.
Dude, your blog totally just broke the law!